Riverside School

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“I do not fear computers. I fear lack of them.” – Isaac Asimov

The subject of computing is becoming ever present in children’s and adults’ lives, as technology grows and grows. We all use computing every day to communicate, program and present our ideas in a variety of ways. With the intense shift towards using computing in society, our curriculum intent is to prepare children for the technological world they live in.

Our intent in computing ensures that the national curriculum is being taught progressively, through carefully constructed progression grids which show the curriculum coverage across the school and how this will be implemented, to ensure quality first teaching. Long-term plans cover all strands of computing: digital literacy, information technology and computer science. This allows children to access a wide range of computing knowledge, skills and vocabulary, which will deepen their understanding and engagement within the subject.

Furthermore, children will also be exposed to understand how computing affects them within the wider world. This includes allowing them access to a variety of hardware and software which they can control and program, as well as word processing and emailing skills. The overall profile of computing is of great importance and this is raised through enhancing the available resources and encouraging parental involvement in computing.