Riverside School

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Our Transition policy was reviewed in July 21.



The Staff and Governing Body of Riverside School are fully committed to the welfare of

each and every child. Care and attention is therefore given to each stage of the individual’s transition to, through and beyond the school.

Aims of This Policy:

Entering a new situation (e.g. a new school or setting, a classroom and a new teacher) can be a stressful time, and some points of transition can be especially so due to changes in routines and curricular approaches. Rapid change can lead to insecurity and stress. Children under stress may become withdrawn and unresponsive or demonstrate inappropriate behaviour. Both extremes can inhibit learning.

It is therefore the aims of this policy to:

  • Promote the smooth transition of children as they move into each new setting/class and/or key stage
  • Prevent and alleviate stress
  • Promote continuity of teaching and learning


Key principles on which we operate:

  • The collection of information prior to the children starting in a new setting will be in cooperation and partnership with parents, existing staff, receiving staff and, if age appropriate, with the child
  • Discussions and collection of information will focus on the whole child and not just child development or academic achievement. i.e. routines, interests, family unit, relevant medical information alongside any additional needs
  • Timescales for transition are variable to meet the individual needs of the child.
  • Children that may need additional help are highlighted and enhanced transition plans may be developed according to need.
  • Other relevant information e.g. social care issues, special educational needs, looked after child etc (all compliant with Data Protection Act.) will be shared on a ‘need to know’ basis. Staff from both year groups are involved in joint transition meetings for SEN children who may need an enhanced transition plan.


 The transition from Nursery education into Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

  • Exchange of information for new children to school – Prospectus, Admission forms, familiarisation tour for parents, carers and child if possible.
  • Where possible the EYFS teacher/teaching assistant will visit the child in their previous setting, speak to their key worker and discuss/exchange information and any records.
  • We will handover information including Initial Needs, vulnerable pupils, achievement books
  • Parents encouraged to visit into Reception classrooms.
  • A welcome meeting will be arranged for parents and carers to explain the organisation, the day and so on.
  • Depending upon the size of the cohort and the individual needs of the children we will arrange for the children to either start full time on the first day of the term, or if appropriate we can use phased entry or part time entry for the first week to allow as smooth transition as possible. This will be discussed with the parents.


Class to Class:

Throughout the child’s time at Riverside,  smooth transition from class to class will be encouraged by:

  • A transition day(s) in July to get to know the routines of their new class and the class teacher.
  • Teacher liaison meetings to discuss share information about the children moving into their classes in September. All academic results, attainment and assessments are on the shared drive.

Primary (KS2) to Secondary (KS3):

Transition work completed in 2nd half of summer term as appropriate.

  • Two day visit to their chosen new secondary school – the first usually accompanied by Year 6 staff. During this day, the year 6 staff also hold meetings with year 7 form tutors.
  • Link work as arranged during the year may include:
  • Gifted and Talented holiday projects
  • Sporting and cultural events hosted at the local Grammar School
  • Headteacher attends termly cross phase meetings with local primary and secondary schools.
  • Year 6 staff complete a profile for each child to pass onto secondary school. STA scores and other data transferred as soon as it becomes available.
  • Identified children (SEN, LAC) receive additional support before and after transition (‘Success to Secondary’ scheme).
  • Sencos meet and discuss enhanced transition plans.
  • Year 7 children visit and talk to year 6 children


In-Year Induction:

From time to time, pupils join the school at other points during the academic year. To aid with this type of transition, we would always expect to:

  • Meet with parents before a child takes up place, tour the school/classroom, discuss educational needs.
  • Issue the family with a welcome pack.
  • Arrange for the child to visit, with or without parents, possibly over a series of days
  • Contact previous school for records/information
  • Arrange for parents to meet with the new class teacher
  • Follow up meeting either face to face or a phone call to discuss how the child has settled into their new environment.
  • Learning Mentors will check in regularly and update parents.



Equal Opportunities

We recognise that for some children e.g. special educational needs, looked after children, children with English as an additional language, those with turbulent home backgrounds etc, transition may be a stressful period of time that can affect their progress.

Hence we will ensure to identify those requiring special attention/support, at an early stage and provide a tailored and enhanced transition for these pupils. For those with a statement of SEN, the first formal transition meeting will be held during the summer term in year 5.

Policy date March 2021 reviewed July 24

To be Reviewed  July 24