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Our SRE Policy was approved by the Local Governing Body in June 2023.This will be reviewed in June 2025

The complete policy can be read here:

 RSE parent consultation 2023.docxDownload
 RSE policy 2023.pdfDownload
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Reference to legislation and schools responsibilities

Policy is informed by Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education DfE June 2019



The draft policy was reviewed and consulations were held with the PSHE/RSHE working party/co-ordinator staff, children and  parents. 

Parents/carers will be able to access the policy via the policy section of the school website

Reference to related school policies This policy links to:
  • Safeguarding / child protection. North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board Procedures and Guidance (www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk)
  • Science curriculum planning
  • PSHE policy
  • E-safety policy / ICT
  • Inclusion policy
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Science
The definition for SRE

RSE is about the emotional, social and cultural development of pupils, and involves learning about relationships, puberty,  sexual health, sexuality, healthy lifestyles, diversity and personal identity.

RSE involves a combination of sharing information, and exploring issues and values.

RSE is not about the promotion of sexual activity.
The schools statement of values and ethos

Ethos and Values

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) reflects the values of the PSHE and Citizenship.  RSE is taught in the context of relationships. In addition RSE promotes self-esteem and emotional health and well-being and helps children form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and for others, at home, school, work and in the community.

At Riverside, we aim to provide a holistic education for all children. Every pupil will receive their full entitlement to RSE regardless of their educational ability, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity or faith.  We aim to support children in their emotional, cultural and social, as well as academic development.

What will be the aims, objectives and outcomes of SRE?

Each pupil will develop the skills and knowledge to make decisions. Decisions about how they relate to others can only be made if they have adequate knowledge and understanding of their own physical and emotional development. Children need to explore attitudes and values about relationships, emotions, self-esteem and personal safety. They will develop skills in order to make positive decisions about their health-related behaviour. During RSE children will ‘develop personal and social skills and a positive attitude to growing up’

This is not a task for the school in isolation, and we want to work with parents to ensure that the teaching of sex education reflects their expectations and complements teaching at home. Parents will be informed about the teaching of sex education each year.

Statement of responsibilities of all stakeholders

Parents/carers right to withdraw

The governing body will:

  • decide whether sex education should be in the school curriculum and, if so, what it should consist of and how it should be organised;
  • seek the advice of the Head Teacher on this policy, keep it up to date, and make it available to parents; and
  • ensure that sex education is provided in a way that encourages pupils to consider morals, the value of family life, and the importance of committed relationships.

The Head Teacher will ensure that:

  • the governing body is advised about the nature and organisation of sex and relationships education and how it reflects the aims and values of the school;
  • sex education is provided in a way that encourages pupils to consider morals, the value of family life, and the importance of marriage or committed relationships;
  •  pupils are protected from inappropriate teaching materials
  • a scheme of work is agreed by the governors in consultation with the subject leader and implemented; and
  • parents are informed about the programme for sex education each year

Staff who teach Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) are expected to:

  • provide sex education in accordance with this policy and in a way which encourages pupils to consider morals and the value of family life;
  • participate in training to provide sex education in line with the school curriculum policy;
  •  implement the agreed scheme of work;
  • draw to the attention of the Head Teacher any materials which they consider to be inappropriate; and
  • respond appropriately to those pupils whose parents wish them to be withdrawn from sex education

Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from some, or all, RSE lessons but not from statutory science lessons.

The Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy is shared on the school website and full details are available on request. The school will inform parents when aspects of the sex and relationship programme are taught and parents will be given an outline of the lessons in advance so they are able to make an informed decision.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from those aspects of sex and relationship education, not included in the Science National Curriculum. However by working in partnership with parents we aim to avoid this wherever possible.

Delivery of SRE and the curriculum

 Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is delivered through science, RE, PSHE, citizenship, ICT, literacy activities, and ‘circle time’.  A planned and co-ordinated approach to each subject can provide an appropriate framework for RSE to take place providing pupils with a consistent message.

RSE is taught by classroom teachers, teaching assistants and, if appropriate, outside visitors such as the school nurse. A range of teaching methods includes the use of video, discussion, looking at case studies, drama and role-play. The school uses the ‘Busy bodies’ online resources.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is usually delivered in mixed gender groups however, there may be occasions where single gender groups are more appropriate and relevant

Education about relationships for 3-7 year olds will focus on the building of self-esteem and confidence by encouraging learners to:

  • respect, value and care for themselves and others;
  • value recognise and communicate their feelings;
  • form friendships and relationships; and
  • respect boundaries – their own and other peoples.
  • Families and people who care about me
  • Caring friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe
Procedures for assessment, monitoring, evaluating and  reviewing The Head Teacher or RSE co-ordinator will regularly provide a report to the Local Governing Board on the implementation of the scheme of work, together with a record of parental and pupil complaints, the number of pupils withdrawn from lessons, and the number of teachers and other staff involved in training on sex education. Lessons on sex education will be observed in the normal programme of monitoring teaching and the judgements about the impact of the lesson on pupils will be included in the report.
  • Pupil’s learning in RSE will be assessed via small focus group
  • The school notes the findings from the ‘Growing up In North Yorkshire’ bi-annual survey and these are reflected annually in the curriculum
  • Staff training needs will be assessed via our induction survey and performance management meetings.
  • Resources will be reviewed and renewed 

Confidentiality and Safeguarding issues are addressed

Dealing with difficult topics/questions

All teachers are aware of the ground rules that provide an agreed structure to answering sensitive or difficult questions. Teachers will endeavour to answer questions as honestly as possible but if faced with a question they do not feel comfortable answering within the classroom, provision would be made to meet the individual child’s needs.

  • ‘Silly questions’ Children are testing boundaries and have no interest in the answer. In this case, teachers will not answer questions, and explain that they are inappropriate.
  • ‘Concerning questions’ These could possibly be indicative of safeguarding issues. In this case, teachers will follow the school safeguarding procedures.
  • ‘Genuine questions’ The child has a genuine but age-inappropriate question. In this case, the child’s question will be acknowledged, with a promise to return to it later. The class teacher will then consult with the child’s parents, and discuss if they would like to answer, or they want school to answer. In the case of the latter, it will be discussed with parents how much information they are happy for their child to have.

Safeguarding / Confidentiality

Teachers need to be aware that effective sex and relationship education, which brings an understanding of what is and is not acceptable in a relationship, may lead to disclosure of a child protection issue.

  • The staff member will inform the Head Teacher /Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) person in line with the STARMAT procedures for child protection.
  • A member of staff cannot promise confidentiality if concerns exist.

The school endeavours to ensure that all staff are up-to-date with their child protection training.

Pupils are advised where to get confidential advice
  • Pupils are informed of where to access age-appropriate help inside and outside  school.
  • The school is aware of local support services to ensure they provide up-to-date information to the pupils.
Other aspects for schools to consider
  • The school celebrates different families and the taught curriculum makes reference to lesbian, gay and bisexual issues and transphobic and homophobic language/bullying is tackled 
  • Staff are made aware of the Sexual Offences Act and their safeguarding duties.
  • Staff are made aware of sexting, pornography, child sexual exploitation, sexualised behaviour, forced marriage and female genital mutilation. The procedure in the first instance is to discuss with the DSL.